The 1st big thing that’s happened since my last blog post was my college’s annual Scholarship Banquet. A man from my church helped our university president build the cross on our campus, & will also be helping build new gates & a guard tower for our entrance. Because of that, I guess, he received tickets for a whole table at the banquet (which, btw, were $175 a person). & he invited my parents & me. It was a lot of fun! I got to spend a night away from caf food, got to hear Andy Andrews & the pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church (Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof) speak, & they were both amazing! Plus, it was fun to get the chance to hang out with my parents & friends from church :)
The 2nd thing that happened…well, it’s a big deal to me, although it other people may not care about it at all. I love twitter! Ask any of my friends or family & they’ll tell you that I’m obsessed. It’s just a fun & convenient way to know what’s going on in friends’ lives & what your favorite bands are up to. Or at least, that’s what I use it for. I first got into it though Ben Kasica, lead guitarist for Skillet (@BenKasica) & now I’m hooked. Sometimes bands will have contests just for their twitter friends, sometimes you get free music, sometimes they actually tweet back to you! It’s just a lot of fun! Except when you find out that the lead singer from one of your favorite bands supports Obama & you’re a Republican…such as when @HawkDunn (Jason Dunn-lead singer of Hawk Nelson) tweeted
“congrats to pres. obama for his outstanding contribution to society! if i could have, i'd a voted for you too! much love!” 9:00 AM Oct 9thI couldn’t believe it! Honestly, I don’t understand how someone can call themselves a Christian then support a man who believes that if a baby survives an abortion attempt then the nurses can lock the baby up in a room & literally starve it to death. So I tweeted
“I may have just lost all respect for @HawkDunn...depending on if he's being serious or not...hmmm...” 9:03 AM Oct 9thI really wasn’t expecting anything to come from it but a few minutes later I got this @reply back from him...
"@lbusby58 if you can't respect your own leaders, then i'm sorry but i've never had respect for you (Romans 13:1,2)” 9:11 AM Oct 9thOK, honestly? First of all, I said I didn’t respect Jason Dunn, not Obama. Second, I @replied back & said
“@HawkDunn i tried to respect obama at first, but its hard to when his morals are completely unChristian. Prov. 28:2, 11:14, 29:14, 29:2" 9:25 AM Oct 9thhe then said:
"i am shocked by the amount of disrespect americans have for their leaders:(" 10:20 AM Oct 9thSeriously?! This is what made me so mad! Not ALL Americans disrespect him...way to stereotype people, Jason! That's not something that the lead singer of a band, a band that tons of people love, should say! Especially in reply to their own FANS! Grow up or go back to Canada. Dang!
So anyway, I’m not a fan of HN anymore. They probably don’t care. But I won’t be buying anything else of theirs. I’ve stopped following them on twitter, un”Become A Fan” on facebook, took them out of my favorite music on facebook, deleted their ringtones off my phone, & un-friended them on myspace. Drastic maybe, but hey, I said it was a big deal to me.
The 3rd thing-& my favorite-that’s happened since my last blog…YOUTHQUAKE!!! I went with my sister emily, roommate Anna, & two of her friends, & it was amazing to say the least! We paid for the VIP tickets so we got early entrance & got to meet skillet, who is one of my top 2 favorite bands (the other one is Family Force 5)!! After we got their autographs, me & Em went to stand as close to the stage as we could so we could get good pictures & all that. & it’s a good thing we went when we did, because as soon as we did, the gates opened for the regular-ticket-people & man, they ran fast! Pretty soon, we could barely move, there were so many people.
Recap: Outcry Band started out the night. They were OK. I didn’t know any of the songs & they had the bass way up or something because I couldn’t really understand them.
Then was The Letter Black. They were actually pretty good…considering I don’t like scream music. It consisted of all guys except the lead singer, who looked just like my friend Carrie…just take away the tattoos. This was when the mosh-pitting started…which I thought was kinda crazy since they had already said no crowd-surfing or sitting on people’s shoulders. But they allow mosh-pitting? Seriously? It didn’t make sense to me.
Then it was Decyfer Down’s turn. Now, I’ll be honest & say I don’t know all the lyrics, but they’re an amazing band! They put on a great show! Not to mention how often they talked about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!! It was AMAZING!
Then came Hawk Nelson. Normally, I would’ve been really excited. But after the twitter incident, I really just wanted them to hurry up & get off stage. I will say, though, that two of the highlights of the night for me were when Jason Dunn messed up the lyrics to 2 songs that they’ve been singing for years! It made me happy! ;)
Fee came out on stage after HN, & he brought a worship element to the show that was so amazing & wonderful & may not have been there otherwise. He is an incredible artist! If you haven’t checked out his music, you need to!!! Now!!
Next was Matt Pitt. All I’ll say about him is this: I would’ve rather had HN come back out than listen to Matt Pitt. I could’ve done without him.
Finally, it was 8:00 and time for SKILLET!!! & OH. My. Gosh! They put on such an amazing show!!! The pyro was insane! I mean, come on, they had spinning fireworks!! The new songs were awesome! John Cooper did the Monster voice! Me & Em ended up in the middle of a mosh-pit but this guy with long hair, snake-bites, & dressed in all black got in front of us & held the guys to make sure they didn’t hurt us. It was sweet! That’s why you can’t judge a book cover. Anyway, so yeah, it was an amazing show! One of the best I’ve ever gone to! & I’ve gone to my fair share of concerts…..
You can see my pictures from youthquake here :)
OK, I could say more but I'm tired of typing.